
In manufacturing maintenance is directly linked to production and efficiency, as well-functioning processes and the environment are vital to business. 

Managing day-to-day operations and making decisions is challenging without knowledge coming from the field. The information collected from the field must be accurate and clear enough to be used effectively.

Use cases


Auditointien poikkeamahavainnot, raportit, prosessikävelyt


Occupational safety observations, environmental observations, anomaly observations...

Working hour entries

Working day postings, breaks, absences...


Rakentajien, aliurakoitsijoiden, johdon palautteet

Features of Nive Notis

Mobile app

Information management system


Easy to use

The observation reporting has been made as easy as possible. It only takes a few seconds to make an observation.

High-quality information

Add a photo, video or attach the correct appliance with QR code. High-quality information makes further processing more efficient.


The easily customizable application adapts to different use cases and is cost-effective.

Real-time information

Real-time information flow and further processing enables quick reactions to issues.


The solution is implemented securely using the REST API for authentication and data transfer.


M-Files offers numerous integration possibilities to share and analyze the collected data.

Audits and process walks

Audits, various process walks and observation rounds aim to maintain quality, efficiency and safety. Different observation walks determine whether all aspects are in order.

With the Nive Notis solution, you can easily record deficiencies, reports, condition markings and attach images, videos, and location data to your observations. Reports and charts help management analyze the areas to be developed.

Occupational safety

In an industrial environment, taking care of safety is an important part of daily operations. Occupational safety must be ensured by both individual employees and supervisors and the company's management. 

It is important to anticipate occupational safety risks and establish a preventive process in the event of accidents and injuries. Proactive activities include risk assessment, safety training, safety observations and safety rounds. 

With Nive Notis, you commit employees to creating occupational safety observations, as the mobile app is easy to use in the field and it takes only a few seconds to make an observation. 

The importance of observation reports in manufacturing

Maintenance in the manufacturing sector is an important part of operations. Efficient processes and practices are directly related to production efficiency, quality, and costs. There are many workers, subcontractors, and other staff working in factory areas, so shared systems, processes, and information are crucial for smooth operation. 

Try Nive Notis for free for 14 days! Contact us and get the test credentials.


Do you need help? We will be happy to help you solve your problem. Our application support is available on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m (Finnish time). 


The total price of our solution consists of the M-Files licenses and Nive Notis licenses, as well as the implementation project.